Biennial Meeting of the American Bach Society
May 7-9, 2010
University of Wisconsin–Madison
Friday, May 7
12-2 PM Lowell Center, Upper Lounge
2-5:30 PM Lowell Center
Keynote Address by Wolfgang Hirschmann (Martin Luther University, Halle-Wittenberg)
Coffee break
Paper Session I
Joyce Irwin (Syracuse NY): The Orthodox Lutheranism of Mattheson and Bach
Michael Maul (Bach-Archiv, Leipzig): New Light on the Controversy between Bach and Scheibe
Peter Wollny (Bach-Archiv, Leipzig): Bach’s Cantata Performances in the 1730s—New Findings, New Perspectives
5:30-7:30 PM University Club
8 PM
Concert by Baroque Band, Chicago’s period-instrument orchestra
Saturday, May 8
8-8:45 AM
ABS Editorial Board breakfast meeting
9 AM-12 PM Pyle Center
Paper Session II
Szymon Paczkowski (University of Warsaw): “In the Most Honorable Minister’s House:” The musical interests and patronage of Jakob Heinrich Flemming, and his possible contacts with J.S. Bach
Andrew Talle (Peabody Institute of Johns Hopkins University): A New Look at “Sperontes Singinde Muse an der Pleiße”
Anselm Hartinger (Schola Cantorum Basiliensis): Johann Gottlieb Goldberg and the Composition of Trios within the Context of Bach’s Later Works
Performance: Music of C.P.E. Bach
Steven Zohn (traverso) and David Yearsley (keyboard)
12-1:30 PM
Lunch on your own
ABS Board of Advisors Luncheon Meeting
1:30-5 PM Pyle Center
ABS business meeting (1:30-2:00)
Paper Session III
Mary Oleskiewicz (University of Massachusetts Boston): Bachs in Berlin: The Courts of Brandenburg-Prussia As Background to Instrumental Works of J.S., W.F., and C.P.E. Bach
Paul Corneilson (Packard Humanities Institute): C.P.E. Bach’s Evangelist, Johann Heinrich Michel
David Schulenberg (Wagner College, NY): An Uncertain Legacy: Two Instrumental Works Attributed to W.F. Bach (1710-1784)
Performance: Concertos of W.F. Bach and J. Quantz by Mary Oleskiewicz (traverso), David Schulenberg (keyboard), and Baroque Band
6-9 PM
Tafelmusik (dinner interspersed with music for flutes, strings, and keyboard)
Sunday, May 9
9 AM-12 PM Pyle Center
Paper Session IV
Steven Zohn (Temple University): Aesthetic and Stylistic Mediation in Telemann’s VI Ouvertures à 4 ou 6
Barbara Reul (Luther College, University of Regina, Canada): “Old Debts from Leipzig” – New Insights on Johann Friedrich Fasch (1688-1758), Hofkapellmeister of Anhalt-Zerbst
Ursula Kramer (University of Mainz): Musical Networking in the Early 18th Century: Christoph Graupner and the Triangle Leipzig-Hamburg-Darmstadt
Jeanne Swack (University of Wisconsin–Madison): Formal Paradigms, Movement Types, and National Styles in Telemann’s Frankfurt Cantata Cycles
go to the link: http://www.americanbachsociety.org/
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